Another Kerrier parish pushes back against controversial deanery plan

Another parish in Kerrier is pushing back against radical changes proposed under its On The Way plan. St Keverne PCC recently met to discuss our Ten Reasons to Resist Parish Re-Organisation factsheet. Their conclusions are detailed in Minutes which have been sent to Archdeacon Paul Bryer. This follows the news that Germoe Church is holding a public meeting to discuss the controversial plan. Click here to view the St Keverne Minutes. 'Our PCC were unanimous (those that attended) in support.' a PCC member said. Highlights: We are extremely concerned a) that the diocese should only regard as legitimate, input that is favourable to the On The Way plan and b) will only commit to there being no “current plan” for joint PCCs. Our PCC is an independent charity in its own right, as are all the others PCCs. We have strong concerns over the issue of assets and a possible future attempt to join PCCs. We are sceptical that individual churches will be properly represented in this case...