
Showing posts from August 29, 2023

Kerrier flock may have 'felt insignificant', says Rural Dean

A candid admission by Kerrier's new Rural Dean that some of her flock may have been made to feel 'insignificant' during the On The Way process is the latest sorry development in the saga. "Through the process of the 'On The Way' plan I do realise that some of you may have felt insignificant," writes the newly appointed rural dean Rev Heidi Huntley in West Kerrier's The Link magazine. "You may even have wondered where God is in all of this." Consultation - and communications - around Kerrier's controversial plan, which involves creating a giant benefice of 23 churches - has been minimal and discussions have been heated.  In the plan, Rev Huntley, who arrived in  Cornwall earlier this year from Royston, Hertfordshire,  will oversee the proposed new benefice with the help of just one other ordained clergy member - a pioneer minister who will not work on Sundays - and a team of lay workers.  Click here to read more about Cornwall's Bish...