A new Bishop of Truro: let the Diocese know your thoughts

After the unexpectedly swift departure of the Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen, the Diocese of Truro is seeking a new Bishop. The Dean of Truro Cathedral, Fr Simon Robinson, is seeking people's views. It's important to respond. After the debacle of the efforts initiated by Mounstephen to restructure the C of E in Cornwall (click here to read the response of congregations and communities across Cornwall to failures in process and consultation) , this is YOUR chance to express your views. Cornwall needs a bishop who understands a Rural Diocese, and is prepared to listen to the people in the parishes as well as senior staff. Cornwall needs a Bishop who fervently hopes that people in all parishes, whether church goers or non attenders, know who their priest is and where he/she lives, in the community. Hopefuly there is enough a push and groundswell reaction to the On The Way fiasco to lead to the diocese reverting to being led by parishes, rather than Diocesan House Staff. Be...