
Showing posts from December 14, 2023

"The Parable of the Sheep" by a Save The Parish Cornwall supporter

  Michael Victor’s timely article in The Church Times, with superb accompanying cartoon by Bill Caldwell , exemplifies the dire actions of dioceses across the country. Our only criticism should be that the bruisers outside the door don’t look as threatening enough as in real life. Click here to read Michael Victor's article. For centuries, the followers of Christ have been known as a flock of sheep, with Jesus the Good Shepherd and ordained clergy acting as His deputies. The analogy is becoming more and more apt as we discover that dioceses across England, led by their bishops and approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury, are behaving more and more like packs of wolves. Wolves, the traditional enemy of sheep,   encircle them, cutting off their escape to their folds - their churches. We should remember that ultimately, sheep are killed and eaten, taken to the abattoir before being devoured. Elderly sheep are easy prey for wolves, which will eat them but prefer the juicy meat ...