Diocese of Truro 'sells off the family silver' to fund ten-year plan for 'Change and Renewal'

The Diocese of Truro has approved a radical plan to use reserves to fund its ten-year Plan for Change and Renewal, ignoring wide-spread concern from churchgoers across Cornwall. Click here to read the official report of the decision by the thinly-attended Diocesan Synod on 18 November 2023. Save The Parish Cornwall's Martin Saunders argued strongly against this short-term approach, saying Church House's approach was 'profligacy' which would make it harder for future generations. Read on for the text of his speech. A better title for this paper would be "Selling off the family silver" All that we are doing is that we are relying on the charity of our forebears to make life easier for ourselves at the expense of our successors. I repeat. All that we are doing is that we are relying on the charity of our forebears to make life easier for ourselves at the expense of our successors. The diocese have held dangling in front of us what they think to be lovely carr...