Save The Parish Spring Conference
A message from Save The Parish national steering Committee member Admiral Sir James Burrell-Nugent: Our Spring Conference on "Campaigning" was a great success, with a record number of attendees. We have had excellent feedback and many requests for transcripts of the speeches. The keynote address was given by Bishop Andrew Rumsey, Bishop of Ramsbury, entitled " Common Ground? The Past & Future of the English Parish. " Notes of his address are here . Chris Loder MP then spoke on " How to make best use of your MP ." The most important point he made was that we must all write to every general election Parliamentary candidate in our constituency asking for support for Save The Parish . The more of us that write, the more traction we will get. Ideally then your winning candidate will have given their support in writing before they are elected and get busier. Notes of his talk are here . Andrew Orange, an STP General Synod member, then spoke...