New report says 'resource church' models demonstrably flawed as Cornwall's Bishop steams on

Like the Captain of the Titanic, the Bishop of Truro steams on - ignoring the icebergs in the sea ahead - as he pursues radical, and deeply flawed, restructuring plans for the church in Cornwall. A report published last month by the Diocese of Oxford reveals that Cornwall's Deanery On The Way plans based on a 'resource church model' are based on incorrect assumptions - and therefore heading 180 degrees in the wrong direction. The Bishop of Truro, however, the Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen, continues to refuse to meet congregations anxious and concerned about the course he is steering. The most shocking example of a planned 'mega benefice' is in Kerrier - where the On The Way plan envisages 23 churches overseen by one rural dean (recently appointed, who will live in Helston). This plan - which threatens to change the nature of church life in the area forever - was only narrowly passed in a secret ballot on 23 rd September 2022 - with 14 for the plan, 11 agains...