A cry from the heart in Mullion, west Cornwall

Mullion Church is in the heart of the village – the largest on the Lizard peninsular - and central to life there. Outside is a tree festooned with blue and yellow ribbons in support of the people of Ukraine. By the gate is a noticeboard filled with news of village activities. On the cover of a 2023 calendar for sale at the local cafĂ©? A photograph of the church. Yet Mullion Church's future and priest is at risk through Kerrier's controversial OnThe Way deanery plan which will see a huge super parish stretching across the deanery under just one rural dean (currently being recruited). Chillingly the plan (page 17) says God has been saying in the On The Way process 'We don't need lone leaders but a team of lay and ordained leaders'. In fact good parish priests are not and never have been lone leaders. They build up a team from their church congregation and sometimes the wider community and together serve the whole parish. Save The Parish Cornwall has received a po...