MPs speak out against Cornwall's Bishops' plans on BBC1 Politics Southwest

A damning assessment by MPs of Cornwall's Bishops' plans to change the Church of England in Cornwall was broadcast on TV across the South West today. BBC1's Sunday morning Politics SouthWest delved deep into the Diocese of Truro's controversial 'On The Way' plans under which parish priests will be cut across the county and replaced by 'oversight ministers' managing large numbers of parishes and teams of lay project workers. Click here to view - the segment starts at minute 20. Diane Thomas from Sancreed Church in Penwith deanery told the programme that her church had not had a vicar for nine years. The Rt Rev Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, Hugh Nelson admitted for the first time that Truro's On The Way plans WILL mean “slightly fewer clergy”. He also admitted that the “very wealthy” national Church of England is freeing up large sums of money for churches. "The church does have (money), it's very wealthy .... some of that is being free...