Bishop - close our churches and you devastate communities

Another good letter from Pam Dodd in this week's Cornishman. The Bishop of Truro's restructuring plans for Cornish parishes will cause untold damage. Pam has written previously on this subject to the local press - and beyond. Click here to read . The text of her latest letter is below: Dear Editor It would be easy for people to think that if a few parish churches in Cornwall close, it’s no loss. Parish churches are not just places where a few people go to worship on Sundays. Their loss would leave significant holes in many more lives than might at first appear. Even the smallest congregations take collections for charities, whilst a great many host fund-raising activities for others, even when their buildings badly need repair, for example: weekly coffee mornings attended by people for whom this might be their only contact with others, particularly the elderly, warmth hubs children's activities hosting events for C...