The 'Failed Wigan' model: lessons for Cornwall as mega benefice fails

Wake up, Bishop Hugh! An evaluation of ‘ Transforming Wigan ’ - a controversial programme for change - has been published: click here to read an Executive Summary . And guess what, it is not a success. "The evaluation of a project to transform Wigan into a “missional powerhouse” — which entailed the grouping of 33 churches in a single benefice has reported mixed success after seven years and the spending of £1.2 million," says the Church Times. Tis is serious news for Cornwall. Changes proposed for Diocese of Truro through controversial plans known as ‘On The Way’ are inspired by the Wigan ‘experiment’. They build on Cornwall's own 'Transforming' initiative - aka 'Transforming Mission' - i.e. moving ministry away from priests in parishes to large benefices with teams of 'workers' (Youth, Education, Pilgrimage etc) managed by an 'Oversight Minister'. Despite vociferous local opposition, they have been championed by the acting Bishop of...