The team that 'simply doesn't exist'

Anyone interested in learning more about the scores of bureaucrats at Church House, Truro need go no further than this link It's an astonishing and ever-growing list - and very sadly extending as the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen presses forward with his controversial On The Way plans to cut clergy and create a new model of worship in Cornwall - with lay workers overseen by 'Oversight Ministers'. This list also shows that the Bishop - experiencing a growing backlash against these plans - may have been less than scrupulous in presenting reliable facts in his public statements. It is striking in particular to see the 'Change and Renewal' team grow: this is the team that Mounstephen said, in his May 2022 Presidential Address to the Diocesan Synod, was a 'fanciful' suggestion cooked up by the press. In fact there is now a new team, headed up by the Director of Change and Renewa...