It may come as some surprise....

Kerrier Deanery's plans for a radical restructuring plan envisaging a giant benefice with 23 churches coming together under one Rural Dean have caused shock waves not just locally but beyond the Tamar. And clearly - to judge from the newly appointed Rural Dean Rev Heidi Huntley's article in West Kerrier's July parish magazine - elements of the 'On The Way' plan have come as a great surprise to local residents too. Some people aren't quite sure what is going on, she suggests. And, she adds, it's been a 'bit of a shock' - to put it mildly - to hear that the second priest to be employed in the deanery (through Church Commissioners' funding - the Rev Susie Templeton - won't be working on Sundays.... So much for the 'consultation' process that allegedly took place about the re-structuring, part of Cornwall's Bishops' On The Way plans for reshaping church in the county. Rev Heidi writes: Dear friends It’s come to my attenti...