
Showing posts from 2025

"What is going on?" Church treasurer resigns in protest at Diocese of Truro’s MMF spending plans

John Kennaugh, Treasurer of a church in east Cornwall,  has asked to be replaced . He has written this article and is happy for it to be widely shared . "I think what is happening is morally wrong," he says.  He profoundly disagrees with the Diocese of Truro’s MMF policy and spending plans. John took on the job of Treasurer for his local church Parochial Church Council (PCC)  in 2024.  He explains:   "My local Church community is a wonderful example of what a Christian community should be and it is a privilege to be a part of it but what I discovered regarding the Mission and Ministry Fund (MMF) and the bureaucratic monstrosity the Church of England  has become has totally disillusioned me.  I have asked to be replaced having ...

MMF - what will happen if your PCC resists payment in full

Following our  Fact Sheet  on key questions to ask regarding MMF (Mission and Ministry Fund), we have received a number of further queries from Parochial Church Councils (PCCs). Here are some answers. Neither Save The Parish Cornwall nor Save The Parish nationally are advocating at this time a total MMF or Parish Share “strike” by PCCs. But we in Cornwall in the Diocese of Truro believe the annual Call has been much too high for some years and in 2024-25 needs particularly to be strongly challenged and resisted.  What will happen if we don’t pay our MMF - and how do we do it? First of all, remember that MMF is NOT a statutory charge that you have to pay - like your gas bill, for instance. It is in fact a voluntary charity donation. It is true that, generally, a PCC is getting something in return for that charitable gift. But in times when that return is often getting noticeably less and less, while the requested donation seems to be significantly increasing, it is reasona...

MMF - a Fact Sheet. Key questions to ask

MMF (Mission and Ministry Fund) - a headache for many PCCs. Meetings are currently underway in the Diocese of Truro discussing MMF payments for 2025.  We've had many questions from around Cornwall about this, so have compiled a Fact Sheet. Click here to download the Fact Sheet.   Please circulate widely. In passing - and separately - please be aware that the Diocese is launching a consultation on revising the MMF formula from 2026. This does not impinge on your discussions around your current call. Read on for a transcript of the Fact Sheet: MISSION AND MINISTRY FUND (MMF): KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK   There is no legal or contractual obligation for Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) to pay MMF contributions. This payment is discretionary. PCCs have the right to withhold it.   We are not suggesting that PCCs do withhold MMF payments. But PCCs should ask pertinent questions and insist on detailed answers – particularly if the call for MMF is rising. A PCC is a chari...

Revising MMF in the Diocese of Truro: important background

 As the Diocese of Truro prepares to debate churches' MMF (Mission and Ministry Fund) payments at the next Diocesan Synod in June, Finance Director Sophie Eddy has circulated the following letter in a consultation exercise. This is useful background for anyone wishing to know more about proposed changes.  Click here to view the slides referred to in Ms Eddy's letter. Dear colleagues Further to the previous email sent inviting you to a MMF consultation meeting, I am now attaching the slides that were shown and discussed at the first of the meetings held this week. These include the numbers at deanery level. The proposals are for modest changes that prioritise stability in the level of MMF call, they are to be debated fully at diocesan synod in June. We have now begun a series of meetings to gather feedback from PCC and deanery treasurers, clergy and also from PCC members. If individuals or PCCs want to respond in this initial consultation we are asking for response...

Truro Cathedral seeks new faces to build a brighter future

An opportunity for anyone keen to influence the future of the Church of England in Cornwall. Truro Cathedral.  Truro Cathedral has launched a search for new trustees and governance members to help it move forwardas a charity dedicated to advancing the Christian faith and caring for its historic cathedral building.  Click here for more information.  

Community Interest Companies: the risks. A Fact Sheet

We have had enquiries from several Parocial Church Councils (PCCs) recently about Community Interest Companies, known as CICs. Kerrier Deanery, for example, was surprised to be informed by the Diocese that they needed to set one up before their controversial On The Way plan could proceed. Why? They were told that promised funds for new posts from the Church Commissioners would need to be handled by the CIC, not centrally by Church House. This caused great concern at the time and which has continued as the CIC has developed. Here is a Fact Sheet detailing the serious challenges faced by PCCs, and deaneries, forming CICs and becoming employers. Click to read  

A Victory in Synod!

A message from Save The Parish national founder Rev. Marcus Walker Good news!  For the first time since the setting-up of Save the Parish three and a half years ago we have really good news to share: a change in the law which will put parishes back at the top of the Church of England’s spending criteria. If I may, I will give you an update on what went on. The whole question was fought on what might have been the quiet backwater of a piece of technical legislation: the National Church Governance Measure. This has been working its way through General Synod for years and had always been an opportunity for members of Synod to clear the chamber and retire to the tea room. But being on the governance of the Church of England it was probably the single most important piece of legislation that we have been discussing. And lurking within it was a section about how the Church of England could use the income from the Church Commissioners’ endowment. You can read the background in a Church T...