
Showing posts from January, 2025

Church of England finances: a 'shocking imbalance between parishes and "Head Office"'

  Save The Parish's steering committee member Admiral Sir James Burnell-Nugent writes: You may find it helpful to know that we have just published Church of England financial data updated for 2023 on the Save The Parish website .  This is the most recent financial data that has become available through the annual publishing of accounts.  Our methodology has been shared with and is supported by the central Church of England finance staff.   The Finances of the Church of England as a whole   The accounts reveal a shocking imbalance between Parishes and ‘Head Office’. The Parishes have very few assets but, mainly thanks to parishioners’ generosity, they pull in a colossal annual income of £1bn The Parishes paid £315m (in 2023) to their Dioceses through the Parish Share scheme The Dioceses spent £348m on parish ministry (also 2023) and £47m on clergy pension contributions, making £395m in total. The difference between parish share ‘income’ and p...

Update from Save The Parish founder Rev Marcus Walker

 A message from Save The Parish founder Rev Marcus Walker: Happy new year! We have entered a curious day in the life of our church, as we move into a period of time without an Archbishop of Canterbury. I hope we will all be praying that the man or woman raised up to be the next Archbishop will be a person of deep prayer and have a love for the Church and its people. Emma Thompson, a member of our Steering Committee, has written an excellent article in The Times  which you can read here . It concludes with these excellent words: “We need someone who wants to spend time loving and caring for the “downstairs church”. By this, I mean the local places where people actually participate in and fund the Church. The “upstairs church” of bishops, bureaucracy and bluster has become inward-looking and detached from the parishes. It has grown on an indefensible scale. We need a parish-facing, pastoral archbishop, someone with the willingness and leadership ability to halve the “upstairs ch...

Truro Bishop's Diocesan Council report to Synod February 2025

  Click here to read the Bishop's Diocesan Council report to Synod in February 2025. For previous reports, click on the links below. November 2024 September 2024 November 2023 September 2023   April 2023 August 2022

"Welby's successor needs to halve the 'upstairs church': Thunderer column in The Times

A powerful column by Save The Parish's Emma Thompson in the Times today. Click here to read.

The Church of England must die a natural death — then rise again: Martyn Percy writes in the Times

Click here to read a column by Martyn Percy