Save The Parish branch set up in the Diocese of Truro

 A group of campaigners has set up a branch of Save The Parish in the Diocese of Truro.

The first meeting was held on 6 April 2022 and the following aims and objectives agreed:

‘’Your Cornish Church belongs to you.

It is not the Archbishop of Canterbury’s, nor the House of Bishops', nor even the General Synod’s.

It belongs in a broad sense to the people of Cornwall and very specifically to the whole of the Church of England within Cornwall.

You have a say!’’


The Cornish branch of Save The Parish has been set up to support the main aims and objectives of the national Save The Parish movement.

Locally, it aims to give you a voice and a platform to express YOUR  views - too often ignored:-

·       To lobby for greater transparency and accountability in the radical restructuring currently planned by the Diocese of Truro

·       To insist on greater transparency and genuine consultation in decision-making


We will liaise with STP nationally to -

·       assist you in resisting any attempt to close your church 

·       assist you in resisting any potential sell off of your parsonage or glebe land.

·       resist the sacking of priests, the loss of PCCs and the amalgamation of parishes.

·       lobby the Church Commissioners for the funds to employ sufficient priests such that no incumbent is thinly stretched over too many parishes.

·       maintain the traditional ‘broad church’ of England and to see this reflected in a balance of traditions within the Diocesan hierarchy


The task of Save The Parish nationally is to liberate the Parish clergy from the shackles of bureaucracy and bad governance.

Our most urgent task is to try to slow down the currently accelerating process of church closures, parish amalgamations,  clergy reductions , increasing parish shares, expanding bureaucracy , mindless central initiatives and general bad governance. We want parishes to be able to get on with their job.



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