On The Way essential reading: how Cornwall's radical church restructuring was introduced and developed

After a casual enquiry, Save The Parish Cornwall discovered that the important Minutes of Diocesan Synods in the early years of On The Way are not in fact up on the Diocese of Truro website.  We have therefore sought them out: we will add to these documents as more emerge. Only recent Diocesan Synod reports are accessible via the Diocese of Truro website.

Asked why important Minutes of earlier significant Synods were not available, Communications Officer Kelly Rowe - surprisingly, in view of the infinite nature of the internet - said: "We don’t keep everything on the website due to its size."  As deanery plans now reach a crucial stage, we have tracked down these documents - essential reading for anyone interested in the genesis of On The Way.


Presidential Address to Synod November 2019 by the Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro

"Just this last week Cornwall Council agreed to invest no less that £612,000 in the Truro Lifehouse project based at All Saints’ Highertown, as a significant part of the wider development of Highertown, Gloweth, Threemilestone and Langarth. That is a tremendous vote of confidence in the church as a very significant partner in community development and transformation and a tremendous vote of confidence in Jeremy Putnam and the many, many people who have worked hard with him on that bid. It think it’s inconceivable that even a few years ago the council would have entered into such a partnership and I think it’s a real sign of hope that now they are ready and willing to do so."

Four years later, Transforming Mission Highertown has been transferred to another church. Rev Putman resigned in summer 2022.  Save The Parish Cornwall has repeatedly asked for transparency over Transforming Mission finances: a first letter was sent in April 2022. More than a year later, Cornwall's Bishops are still refusing an open, honest and transparent appraisal of the achievements - or otherwise - of the five Transforming Mission programmes in Cornwall.


Agenda Diocesan Non-Synod (by Zoom) May 2020

The Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen's keynote text 'Towards A Narrative', introducing his vision for the Church of England in Cornwall.  Click here to read.  Managerial in essence - with a carefully crafted narrative of 'Cornishness' - and the idea of 'growing oversight and diaconal ministries' at its core.

"We will attend to the ‘shape’ of ministry in the Diocese (i) growing oversight and diaconal ministries that ‘sandwich’ (from above and below) core activities for mission and ministry so as better to enable and support them, and (ii) working intentionally on the variety and quality of those core activities (the ‘sandwich filling’). Key tools will be AMD, Setting God’s People Free, vocations work, training and formation, and the Clergy well-being agenda: all with the aim of developing confidence and effectiveness in our calling in mission and ministry, individually and collectively."

 As this was a 'non-synod', there were no minutes and this document was not approved by Diocesan Synod.  

Minutes Diocesan Synod November 2020

“ A: The Bishop of St Germans, the Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, explained that, as mentioned by Archdeacon Paul, he is working with Jonathan Rowe on a complex piece of work that will support deaneries and help sustain them. Deaneries in most need will be given support first. A bottom up approach is critical, particular in regard to putting plans in place, but a top down approach is also needed..

Since, the Bishop of St Germans has repeatedly said that the On The Way process was 'bottom up' not 'top down', despite the experience of many people involved on deanery level.  Examples of his, and Church House's, insistence that the process has been 'bottom up' reported on this blog are too numerous to list: however notably the Bishop told the Church Times on 13 May 2022 that the process was 'bottom up'. Click here to read that piece.


The Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen's video introduction to On The Way

Diocesan Synod Minutes May 2021

Minutes of the House of Laity 25 September 2021

Minutes of the House of Clergy 25 September 2021

Presidential Address September 2021 

Diocesan Synod Minutes September 2021

Diocesan Synod Minutes November 2021

The 2022 Budget Story (for November 2021 Synod)


Diocesan Synod Minutes May 2022

Trigg Major synod member Vivian Hall asks a question, calling for more clarity about Transforming Mission finances

Bishops' Diocesan Council Report Summer 2022

Presidential Address September 2022 

 Diocesan Board of Education report to Synod September 2022

Diocesan Synod Minutes September 2022

Presidential Address November 2022

Diocesan Synod Minutes November 2022


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