Summer update - part 3

An update - and a request - from the Rev Marcus Walker, Chairman, Save the Parish

"We need to compile a “dossier" for a forthcoming important meeting, at which we need to be able to say “this is happening in a parish” (it can be kept anonymous if you wish).  We welcome all your enquiries; thank you for telling us what is happening among the grassroots.  Please continue reporting your experiences to us - e.g. are you in vacancy and for how long?  Are you being reorganised into a mega-parish and how have you been treated by the diocese?  Are you a retired priest expected to take many services with no time for pastoral care?  Are you a member of the clergy in a poor parish which is struggling while diocesan reorganisations are lavishly financed from Church Commissioner income?  Can you provide any financial or attendance statistics in evidence?
We see at our conferences that people, by sharing stories, work out that what is happening to them is happening to other parishes too and is part of a national plan.  It makes such a difference when you join with others in your area to use your local knowledge to "fight the good fight" at diocesan level.  Together you can share your stories and your skills, and support each other to make a difference in your diocese.    We have found taking the fight public as well as private has greater impact.  Please write to local press.  Other parishes will then realise they are not alone, and see the patterns. Spreading the word to other parishes about STP (and that you can say no to reorganisation schemes) is very helpful.   It is key to build a regional group of STP supporters in your diocese: more can be done collectively.  You may like to see the blog run by STP Cornwall for example, which you can find here.  If you are unsure if there is a local group in your area, do get in touch with us to find out.  If not, we would love to encourage you to start one!

Thank you as ever for your support and anything you can do to spread the word about Save The Parish. We feel we are making an increasing impact and we hope you do too."


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