
Showing posts from November, 2023

Diocese of Truro 'sells off the family silver' to fund ten-year plan for 'Change and Renewal'

The Diocese of Truro has approved a radical plan to use reserves to fund its ten-year Plan for Change and Renewal, ignoring wide-spread concern from churchgoers across Cornwall.  Click here to read the official report of the decision by the thinly-attended Diocesan Synod on 18 November 2023.  Save The Parish Cornwall's Martin Saunders argued strongly against this short-term approach, saying Church House's approach was 'profligacy' which would make it harder for future generations. Read on for the text of his speech.   A better title for this paper would be "Selling off the family silver" All that we are doing is that we are relying on the charity of our forebears to make life easier for ourselves at the expense of our successors. I repeat. All that we are doing is that we are relying on the charity of our forebears to make life easier for ourselves at the expense of our successors. The diocese have held dangling in front of us what they think to be lovely carr...

Bishop's Council will not report to Synod on Save The Parish dossier, Bishop says

Truro's Bishop's Diocesan Council (BDC) will not report to the Diocesan Synod tomorrow (18 November 2023) on Save The Parish Cornwall's request for a moratorium on controversial On The Way restructuring plans, the acting Bishop of Truro has said. Instead - in a highly unusual and controversial development - the BDC will rely on social media outlets to communicate its discussions last month. "The BDC meeting on 17 October considered a wide range of agenda items, of which the call for a moratorium to the implementation of Deanery plans and the connected Diocesan plan was one," the Rt Rev Hugh Nelson wrote in an email on 16 November 2023 to Save The Parish Cornwall (STPC).   Bishop Hugh, who signed off a confrontational and dismissive statement on 30 October 2023 on social media outlets in response to STPC's request, went on to refer to his 'report': "As you point out, the subsequent report, which was shared publicly, makes clear that BDC receiv...

Let's put things right....

A moratorium is possible, Bishop Save The Parish Cornwall's Andrew Lane has some constructive suggestions for the acting Bishop of Truro, the Rt Rev Hugh Nelson There is no disguising that 'On The Way' has been a distinctly poor example of public 'consultation'.There are now deep rifts in the Church particularly between the Diocese and the laity, there is despair and most disturbingly a great deal of distrust. We have to fix this. The former Bishop of Truro, the Rt Rev Bishop Philip Mounstephen has presided over this mess and has now shimmied off to new and unsuspecting pastures. This has left Bishop Hugh with a lot on his plate - for which we could all feel some sympathy - but it also affords him a great opportunity to heal division and right the sinking ship. To start at the beginning, what would have be the best way to conduct an On The Way process that would have involved all interested parties and stood the best chance of a successful outcome?  Act...

Listen to the people please: Truro Bishop's aggression challenged

Click here to read an Open Letter from Save the Parish Cornwall to the Bishop's Diocesan Council. Cornwall’s acting Bishop of Truro, the Rt Rev Hugh Nelson, has responded aggressively to Save The Parish Cornwall’s request for a moratorium on his controversial On The Way plans.  This request was based on a dossier of contributions from people across Cornwall, reacting to the plans. Bishop Hugh put the dossier and moratorium call to the Bishop’s Diocesan Council (BDC) on 17 October 2023.  The BDC robustly rejected the proposal, he reported back to Save The Parish Cornwall. He subsequently posted a confrontational statement to this effect across the Diocese of Truro’s social media outlets on 30 October 2023. Save The Parish Cornwall questions why the BDC’s decision is not recorded in a report from the BDC to the Diocesan Synod on 18 November 2023, its omission being highly irregular, given the significance of the representations in the dossier. We also question whether ...

"The promotion of bullying personalities, the silence in the face of abuse...."

"The smiley man behind the desk has won. Hence, the promotion of bullying personalities, the silence in the face of abuse claims, the NDAs enforced on those pushed out of jobs, and, of course, the cost of reputational management." Angela Tilby's column in this week's Church Times hits the nail on the head. This is what we are seeing in the Diocese of Truro. Click here to read.

Truro Bishop's Diocesan Council November 2023

  Click here to read.