Listen to the people please: Truro Bishop's aggression challenged

Click here to read an Open Letter from Save the Parish Cornwall to the Bishop's Diocesan Council.

Cornwall’s acting Bishop of Truro, the Rt Rev Hugh Nelson, has responded aggressively to Save The Parish Cornwall’s request for a moratorium on his controversial On The Way plans.  This request was based on a dossier of contributions from people across Cornwall, reacting to the plans. Bishop Hugh put the dossier and moratorium call to the Bishop’s Diocesan Council (BDC) on 17 October 2023. 

Save The Parish Cornwall questions why the BDC’s decision is not recorded in a report from the BDC to the Diocesan Synod on 18 November 2023, its omission being highly irregular, given the significance of the representations in the dossier.
We also question whether the aggressive statement from the acting Bishop of Truro is an appropriate response from a Christian leader to Cornish churchgoers simply requesting what they believe would be best for their church.
Save The Parish Cornwall therefore has written an open letter to Bishop Hugh, and members of the Bishops’ Diocesan Council asking them to reconsider – step up to the plate and answer key questions.  Click here to read.
Since forming in April 2022, Save The Parish Cornwall has asked for the Diocese of Truro to behave in an open, honest and transparent manner.
Sadly both the statement of Bishop Hugh, and misleading and inaccurate remarks from the BDC’s Robert Perry and Rev Jeffrey Terry fall far short of this, and must be challenged.


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