A new Bishop of Truro: let the Diocese know your thoughts

After the unexpectedly swift departure of the Rt Rev Philip Mounstephen, the Diocese of Truro is seeking a new Bishop. The Dean of Truro Cathedral, Fr Simon Robinson, is seeking people's views. It's important to respond. 

After the debacle of the efforts initiated by Mounstephen to restructure the C of E in Cornwall (click here to read the response of congregations and communities across Cornwall to failures in process and consultation), this is YOUR chance to express your views.  Cornwall needs a bishop who understands a Rural Diocese, and is prepared to listen to the people in the parishes as well as senior staff. Cornwall needs a Bishop who fervently hopes that people in all parishes, whether church goers or non attenders, know who their priest is and where he/she lives, in the community.

Hopefuly there is enough a push and groundswell reaction to the On The Way fiasco to lead to the diocese reverting to being led by parishes, rather than Diocesan House Staff.

Below is the text of the Open Letter from Fr Simon Robinson, Dean of Truro and Chair of the Vacancy in See committee. This letter has all the links enabling you to respond:

As you are aware, our diocese seeks a new Bishop. As part of the process the people of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and our two parishes in Devon are being invited to provide feedback.

The feedback received from parishes, clergy and the wider community will help inform a Statement of Needs created by a committee formed to oversee the process, chaired by The Very Revd Simon Robinson, Dean of Truro.   Called The Vacancy in See Committee it is made up of diocesan members, mostly elected from parishes and deaneries.  The full list can be found here: https://trurodiocese.org.uk/about-us/vacancy-in-see/vacancy-in-see-committee-members/  and this video explains more: https://youtu.be/fmyPZyLyQsI.

We welcome contributions from anyone in our diocese. There are 5 questions we are asking you to consider – you can read the questions and submit your responses here: https://forms.office.com/e/N7Jqj59pp2

The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2023 at midnight.

If you would rather submit your responses on paper, please contact info@truro.anglican.org and we can send you a paper copy.

Please note that this email has been sent to everyone for whom we hold contact details for in the diocese. We will send a paper copy to those people without email.

Please do share with your networks.

There will be a public consultation on Zoom on 6 February 2024 (more information will be sent out in the new year).

Any questions please contact info@truro.anglican.org.

Finally, a message from Fr Simon: “Please do pray for this whole process, for all those tasked with discerning who will be the next Bishop of Truro.”




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