Your parish at Easter - Press - STP conference

 A message from Save The Parish national steering committee member Emma Thompson

We hope you had a very Happy Easter.   
Your parish at Easter
Please do send us your parish stories, showing any ways in which your parish demonstrated its value to local people this weekend.  On Easter Day, my Rector took a service in each of his churches and was busy all day, driving the lit Easter candle around in his car between villages.  I amateurishly conducted my parish church choir in a joyous rendition of Cecil Cope's anthem "He is Risen".  Four young adults who were home for the Easter weekend, including one of my sons, rejoined the choir.  I feel and hope that this illustrated the value to them of rootedness in a place and still feeling a sense of "belonging".  
You may like to see this PDF of my Easter Day piece for the online Spectator.  If you are a Spectator subscriber, please feel free to add an online comment here:
You can read my article here
As well as a recent New Statesman article "The death of a church" on 20th March about the Methodist church (from which the CofE could learn lessons), there was a lot of Church coverage over the Easter weekend, including in the Daily Mail and The Critic.  Peter Stanford in The Daily Telegraph referenced Save The Parish and Marcus Walker's reference to a "doom spiral", as did Sarah Ingham in Conservative Home. The relevant exacts are below.  

Our upcoming Conference (20th April)
We hope that as many of you as possible can come to our conference in Bristol on 20th April.   A revised schedule is below - Chris Loder MP is now speaking as well as the Bishop of Ramsbury and others.  
There are still some spaces to book here:  Please spread the word to your friends in the West Country in particular. 
If you are coming to STP's Bristol conference: PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO LET US KNOW ASAP IF YOU HAVE SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS  (other than vegetarian) or food allergies.
You may find it helpful to know that the following car parks are nearby:
Temple Quarter car park—Bristol BS1 6HY
Temple Meads Station car park—Bristol BS1 6QF
There is some on-street parking around the roads near the church and it is the business rather than the shopping district, so you might be lucky if you come relatively early, but spaces are limited. There is considerable building work going on in this quarter currently.
Thank you for supporting STP.  Please spread the word about joining STP to as many people and PCCs as you can, including anyone who just cares about preserving church buildings.  You can email us on

Kind regards,
Emma Thompson
STP Conference (Bristol), 20th April 2024: "Campaigning for the Future of Our Parishes"

12.45  Marcus Walker: Welcome and Introduction 
12.50  Andrew Rumsey, Bishop of Ramsbury, co-lead bishop on church buildings, 'Common Ground? The past & future of the English parish'.
1.40   Andrew Orange:  PCC Amalgamations: Why they are wrong, and how to resist them.
2.00  Chris Loder MP, 'How to make Best Use of Your MP'.
2.30  Prudence Dailey chairs Panel on diverse experiences of campaigning  against pastoral reorganization: Simon Hoar and Rory Macdiarmid from Six Pilgrims, Bath and Wells,  Neil Wallis from STP Cornwall, Revd Stephen Anderson HortonLichfield Diocese, Revd Ray Hutchinson from Wigan. We hope to give audience a chance to give their own experiences.
3.30 Break
3.50 Sir James Burnell-Nugent 'Top Tips for Campaigning'.
4.10 Alison Milbank The Future parish? What good looks like
4.45  Marcus Walker: Review of the year
5.00 Tea
5.30 Choral Evensong.
6.10 Drinks reception  
Peter Stanford in the Daily Telegraph wrote: 
"The Reverend Marcus Walker, national chairman of the Save the Parish group and a member of General Synod, the Church of England's decision-making body, regards it potentially as "a doom spiral". "As sure as night follows day," he has warned, "if you close parishes and reduce clergy, the number of people who are able to turn up to Church will fall."  He is urging fresh investment specifically to shore up the parish network if disaster is to be avoided...". 
Similarly, Sarah Ingham in Conservative Home mentioned STP, with a link to our website, and Marcus, as follows: "Last month, startling headlines stated that the Church was a "doom spiral", thanks to church closures, parish mergers and falling attendances. This claim was made by the Revd. Marcus Walker, Rector of St Bartholomew the Great, London's oldest parish church and Chair of Save the Parish.It argues that the parish system – "chief among the treasures of the Church of England" – needs revitalising. Help could come not least from the £10 billion and more held by the Church Commissioners, along with efforts to streamline "the bloated costs and duplicated activities of the dioceses.""
(In fact, what is key about the expression "doom loop" is that it originated not from Marcus but the diocese of Leicester's own implementation team at Launde Abbey, when enforcing the "oversight ministry" model.  This is the relevant quote from the Implementation Team's October 2022 report, recognising the problem that cutting clergy leads to more cutting of clergy: "Parishioners will ask what the Parish Contribution is going towards when there is a low level of spiritual support provided. This may well create a 'doom loop' where giving further reduces and thus less funding further shrinks the number of clergy available.")

Social media
We are thinking about whether to put Save The Parish on Instagram.  We would love to hear from any young people about what they would be interested to know about STP - we are grateful for all your ideas and/or material - please do ask some young people for their views if you are not one yourself! 

Click here to read more about the Wigan Report


If you were unable to get to York for our Summer Conference on 6 July 2023, you may like to watch the sessions on the link here:
As a lay person may I recommend this brilliant exposition by Revd Fergus Butler-Gallie on why places/parishes matter theologically:


Join STP As An Organisation

We urge PCCs to join our campaign. The more PCCs we can tell the CofE we represent nationwide, the better. From your perspective, it is a step taken in advance to establish that your PCC unanimously wants to preserve your parish, if and when your diocese comes up with plans to merge it.

So, if you are on a PCC, help run a 'Friends of X Church' group, or otherwise know of or run an organisation that cares for or depends on the parish system, please apply below for your organisation to join Save the Parish.

Register Your Organisation

Save The Parish is a not-for-profit UK company limited by guarantee with registered number 13837420

Our mailing address is:
Save the Parish
Great St Bartholomew Parish Office
Church House Cloth Fair
London, London EC1A 7JQ
United Kingdom


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