Save The Parish Spring Conference

A message from Save The Parish national steering Committee member Admiral Sir James Burrell-Nugent: 

Our Spring Conference on "Campaigning" was a great success, with a record number of attendees.  We have had excellent feedback and many requests for transcripts of the speeches.

The keynote address was given by Bishop Andrew Rumsey, Bishop of Ramsbury, entitled "Common Ground? The Past & Future of the English Parish.Notes of his address are here.

Chris Loder MP then spoke on "How to make best use of your MP."  The most important point he made was that we must all write to every general election Parliamentary candidate in our constituency asking for support for Save The Parish.  The more of us that write, the more traction we will get.  Ideally then your winning candidate will have given their support in writing before they are elected and get busier.  Notes of his talk are here.

Andrew Orange, an STP General Synod member, then spoke on "PCC Amalgamations: Why they are wrong, and how to resist them."  There is excellent practical advice in his talk - his most important point being not to surrender your PCC because you will lose all your rights to oppose, or even influence, unwelcome schemes for the future of your parish and its church.  Please also do not agree to the suspension of your patron's rights to appoint a new vicar.  Andrew's full text is here.

I gave a short talk on "Top Tips for Campaigning".  The first of my top three was to be clear about your campaigning aim (e.g. not to be merged with another benefice).  If possible get it agreed unanimously by your PCC and stick to it.  Secondly, concentrate your team on that aim and focus all your campaigning resources on it.  Do not get distracted by side issues.  And thirdly, don't waste effort.  Your team is probably small and all volunteers, so fit the tasks to their skill sets and remember you cannot afford to waste any of their valuable time.

Finally The Rev'd Canon Professor Alison Milbank sent us all forth with a talk on "What Good Looks Like and How to Campaign Positively for the Parish System."  Her talk was a gold mine of useful language and advice which supporters might find helpful in phrasing correspondence with their diocese or in formal representations.  Her full text is here.  I hope you enjoy her "PARISH: P is for Permanence and Pastoring; A is for All; R is for Rooted; I is for Identity; S is for Sacred; and H is for Heart". 

Concurrently, The Rev'd Canon Angela Tilby, member of the Save The Parish Steering Committee, wrote a compelling article in the Church Times, where she has a regular column.  Her topic was "Sheep Need Shepherds, not Managers."  Again there is useful material in there if you feel you are being forced into accepting the managerial nature of oversight ministry, rather than local pastoral ministry.  A version of her wise advice written especially for our website is here.

I hope you can see from the above that there is a rich seam of valuable information and advice on our recently-refreshed website.  If you would like to write an essay for our website, please get in touch at If you want to tell our web-watchers about what is happening in your parish - good or bad - then please submit a Parish Story here.

Three things to conclude:  
  1. Please take this important survey -  It is an opportunity for us to express our views on the centrality of parish and the local community. Please pass it on to others who might be concerned or optimistic about the future of the church in their community.
  2. Emma Thompson's parish got faculty approval for a polymer church roof after recurrent lead thefts.  One of our Synod representatives is seeking information from anyone else which would support his PCC's preference for polymer over stainless steel.  If you have relevant experience, which could be useful in forming a national picture, please get in touch via
  3. There are elections for Diocesan Synods coming up. We would love as many as possible of our supporters to stand.  Please look out for them in your diocesan or deanery newsletter.   Our next newsletter will offer information on how to stand for election and how to campaign for votes, but if you need help urgently please email us.
Thank you so much for your continuing support.  
One of the key messages from the Spring Conference was that you are not alone.

Best regards


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