Save The Parish Cornwall proposes a new 'way forward' for Cornwall as supporters are elected to Diocesan Synod

Save The Parish supporters from across Cornwall have been elected on to the Diocesan Synod as lay members. This can only be a good thing and should result in a more balanced debate.  Click here for the full list of lay, and clergy, members.

Of course there are differences of opinion. But nothing can be gained by anger and polarization: there is a better way. In this spirit we have published The Way Forward: A new direction for the Diocese of Truro.

This statement accompanies our dossier ‘Don’t Turn Off The Lights, Bishops’.  Click here to read the new statement.  Copies will be distributed across Cornwall via Diocesan Synod reps.

This statement sets out constructive views for the future and includes a proposal for a serious, constructive and costed alternative new direction for the Diocese of Truro’s “On The Way” programme for change. This calls for restructuring to be based around 100 stipendiary parish-based priests, supported by 12 curates, in our churches cross the county as distinct from current moves towards Oversight Ministry.  This plan has been fully costed around the diocese’s own published budget and financial planning.

Very many congratulations to everyone who has been elected on to the Diocesan Synod and are now putting names forward for all the various Commitees etc. This is important so that alternative voices are heard. 

To read the dossier Don't Turn Off The Lights, Bishops, click here. 



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