So what will this mean? Well, it will take a while for this measure to become law. It needs its third reading, which is likely to be in July, and then to go to Parliament, where it will be considered by the Ecclesiastical Committee of both Houses, and who will decide if it needs a full debate in Parliament or not. It is unlikely that this change will be in effect before 2027. But, the fact that Synod has spoken so authoritatively on this point, with the support of so many bishops, might mean that funding decisions taken before then might be taken with an eye to the cure of souls in parishes where such assistance is most required. On that point, we need to pray.
The other item we were hoping to debate - the motion from Hereford diocese, which was being presented by the Bishop of Bath and Wells to transfer into Diocesan Stipends Fund money to compensate dioceses and parishes for the Church Commissioners offloading their pensions responsibilities to them - was adjourned until July. Too many other matters were discussed and took longer than expected to be voted on, and so this got shunted. When it does get debated, it will be a very significant opportunity to re-balance Church of England finances back towards the local and to lift a very significant burden from the backs of parishes (whose parish share has covered this pension deficit). But that is now a question for next time.
And so, thank you for your help in this campaign. It has seriously borne fruit - and fruit that will last. This is not the end of our work, it is not even the beginning of the end,
but it is, perhaps, (to borrow from a great man), the end of the beginning. Save the Parish has come of age.
With my prayers and blessings - and my thanks,