Revising MMF in the Diocese of Truro: important background
As the Diocese of Truro prepares to debate churches' MMF (Mission and Ministry Fund) payments at the next Diocesan Synod in June, Finance Director Sophie Eddy has circulated the following letter in a consultation exercise. This is useful background for anyone wishing to know more about proposed changes. Click here to view the slides referred to in Ms Eddy's letter.
Dear colleagues
Further to the previous email sent inviting you to a MMF consultation meeting, I am now attaching the slides that were shown and discussed at the first of the meetings held this week. These include the numbers at deanery level.
The proposals are for modest changes that prioritise stability in the level of MMF call, they are to be debated fully at diocesan synod in June. We have now begun a series of meetings to gather feedback from PCC and deanery treasurers, clergy and also from PCC members. If individuals or PCCs want to respond in this initial consultation we are asking for responses by 31st March 2025, the particular questions we are asking are shown below.
Feedback can be in a personal capacity or as a PCC, and should be sent to
Once we have gathered thoughts from treasurers, clergy and PCC members we will revise the proposals and then publish a final proposal ahead of diocesan synod, we will send this to synod members and to treasurers and PCC secretaries again so that they can engage with their synod members in time for the debate.
The main principle that we are applying is to maintain stability in the MMF call, while making the formula more transparent and fair. We particularly need a fair way to deal with the costs arising from deanery plan change requests.
The main proposal is to remove the “benefice charge” and replace it with a “shared costs” element that contributes to Church House and the costs that we share across the diocese. The “shared costs” will be allocated pro rata to the cost of ministry, rather than per benefice as at present. We are proposing that we should then cushion the percentage change in call so that increases or decreases in the call are introduced over some years. Slide 7 of the attachment explains what the financial impact of the change will be with slide 8 explaining the transitional relief.
The other proposals are included on slide 9, which are also in the introduction to a consultation document attached to the invitation email.
We are fairly sure that the first question may be, “What will happen to the call in my parish?” That’s a good question; we are proposing that we continue to allocate the call at deanery level, so the answer will depend on local decisions about how to pass on the call. At deanery level the cushion would mean that the call would only change by a maximum of 5.5%.
Any feedback is welcome, but in particular:
- Are we right to prioritise stability?
- Does the move to “shared costs” make sense, not allocated per benefice, but based on the ministry in the deanery?
- Does 5.5% cushion or transitional relief make sense?
- Would you welcome reducing the call immediately in clergy vacancy and reinstating it on a new appointment?
- Do you have other suggestions or comments?
We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions or comments please do contact us at
With best wishes
Sophie Eddy
Director of Finance and Assets