Ten Reasons to Resist Joint PCCs

Now that most On The Way deanery plans have either gone through – despite widespread protest – or are in their final stages, ‘Joint PCCs’ are being proposed between parishes in the same benefice. They are being encouraged under the strapline ‘One Parish – One PCC’.

It is important – if you care about your church and its future – that this should be resisted. It is time to say ‘No’ [1]

There’s no going back. The Church Commissioners’ staff have been asked whether it is possible to withdraw from a Joint Council.  The answer given is “if a church wanted to leave the Council, then in theory it could be brought back, but there is no clear process set down.”  So at present this is a one-way ticket.

Here are ten strong reasons to resist - click on this link to read more background.

  1. 1.     Lack of control of assets
  2. 2.     Diluted vision
  3. 3.     Lack of autonomy in decision-making
  4. 4.     Loss of power
  5. 5.     MMF payments
  6. 6.     The power of local knowledge
  7. 7.     You do the work anyway
  8. 8.     Increased responsibilities for church officers
  9. 9.     You can find other solutions
  10. 1    Big is not better

[1] The legal basis for a Joint Council is described on the Church of England website under the Church Representation Rules starting at https://www.churchofengland.org/about/leadership-and-governance/legal-services/church-representation-rules/introduction.  There is more detail under sections M37 – M42 of the Rules.



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